Air Conditioner Repair in Sea Girt and Your Health

Air conditioning is used for the purpose of decreasing the indoor air temperature. While this is the main benefit, there are many others. Just like anything else, however, using an air conditioner can also cause negative side effects. Most of the detrimental results of a/c use are due to poor maintenance. Air conditioner repair in Sea Girt is not only important when you have a problem. It is actually more influential to call a repair tech to examine your system when you don’t have an issue. Scheduling an annual visit from your air conditioner repair company is the best thing you can do for yourself and your system.

Sick Building Syndrome

Air conditioner repair in Sea Girt can help you avoid sick building syndrome. Although this is mostly related to office buildings and other business spaces, neglecting the air conditioner in your home can have negative effects on your health. Poor ventilation and a dirty air conditioning system can lead to headaches, dizziness, nausea, and lethargy. Much of these symptoms are a result of the growth of mold and mildew within the system. Symptoms associated with SBS usually wax and wane based on how long a person spends in the building. For instance, if your work place does not take proper care of their air treating and ventilation system, you will often experience these negative feelings while at work, but will feel better when home. Most sick building issues can be solved with routine air conditioner repair in Sea Girt.

Air Conditioning Doesn’t Condition You

Person in black turtle neck holding hand up to nose as if sneezing due to needing air conditioner repair in Sea Girt

People use air conditioning to make them feel more comfortable indoors. However, using an air conditioner can also negatively affect you while keeping you cool. Air conditioning greatly dehydrates your air because it pulls out moisture as it runs. As a natural effect of cooling air, humidity is decreased. This can affect your skin, your airways, and your eyes. Because many people start turning their air on in the spring, dry, itchy eyes and a dry cough are often misdiagnosed as allergy symptoms rather than normal side-effects of the use of an air conditioner. A humidifier is the obvious way to combat this dryness. Portable ones are popular, but whole home humidifiers are a better option. Especially for homes and buildings in areas that use air conditioning frequently, a whole building humidifier that is integrated into the HVAC system is the number one way to fight dryness.

How Air Conditioning Affects Your Body

Aside from the dryness, there are other side-effects, both good and bad, of using air conditioning. One positive effect of using a/c is a better night’s sleep. Anyone who tends to “run hot” when they sleep know the benefits of cool air when you are sleeping. In addition, reduced asthma attacks and improved indoor air quality are also benefits that come along with a well-cared for air conditioning system. This is only true if the air filter is properly maintained and an annual inspection of the system by a technician for air conditioner in Sea Girt. We even found some studies that showed that students who live in air-conditioned dorms performed better on tests than those without a/c and reports that state air conditioning can boost your metabolism. When you run an air conditioner during hot weather, you’ll feel more relaxed and experience less stress.

Air Conditioner Repair in Sea Girt is Good for Your Health

Person chopping fruit while smiling because she just had air conditioner repair in Sea Girt and is healthy

A dirty air conditioner isn’t just ineffective, it can be aversive to your health. Neglecting the care of an air conditioner can spread dirt, debris, and irritants throughout the building. It also causes undue stress on the machine. However, a clean, well-maintained HVAC system by your local company that performs air conditioner repair in Sea Girt doesn’t only make you feel good, it can actually provide health benefits.